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Market and Survey Research

1 h
120 Canadian dollars

Service Description

Market Research Analysis Market research to gather and analyze data on consumers and competitors. Study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. Helping your company understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price. Market research analysis: • Monitor and forecast marketing and sales trends • Measure the effectiveness of marketing programs and strategies • Devise and evaluate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, questionnaires, and opinion polls • Gather data on consumers, competitors, and market conditions • Analyze data using statistical software • Convert complex data and findings into understandable tables, graphs, and written reports • Prepare reports and present results to clients and management Market research to gather data to help your company market its products or services. I gather data on consumer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits. A well as collect data and information using a variety of methods, such as interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, market analysis surveys, public opinion polls, and literature reviews. I analyze and evaluate data using statistical techniques and software and interpret what the data means for you. This includes forecasting future trends. Presented with charts, graphs, infographics, and other visual aids to present the results of the research. Survey Research Design surveys and analyze data. Surveys are used to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions in order to understand people’s opinions, preferences, beliefs, or desires. • Conduct background research on survey topics • Plan and design surveys, and determine appropriate survey methods • Test surveys to make sure that people will understand the questions being • Coordinate the work of survey interviewers and data collectors • Account for and solve problems caused by nonresponse or other sampling issues • Analyze data, using statistical software and techniques • Summarize survey data, using tables, graphs, and fact sheets • Evaluate surveys, the methods underlying them, and their performance to improve future surveys

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or re-schedule please call with 24 hour notice.

Contact Details

  • British Columbia, Canada


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